terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2013

Algumas ideias de textos para usar em sala de aula:

6º Ano
" God cannot be every place and for that he made the mothers ".   
The mothers' heart is an abyss in the bottom of which always meets a pardon ".
" A stronger love than everything, more obstinate than everything, more durable than all ,é only the mother " love.  
The mother understands until what the children don't say ".
" A mother is capable to teach more than a hundred teachers ".
The hand that moves to the cradle is the hand that orders in the world ".

 7º Ano

Mother is the conception, mother  is patience, mother  is the love, mother  is the friendship, mother  is the safe port, mother  is understanding, mother  is blessing of God, mother  is affection, mother is caress,  is the presence of God. 
God cannot be every place and for that he made the mothers. The mother understands until what the children don't say. 
 Mother: small word, but with an infinite meaning, because she wants to tell love, dedication, renouncement to itself own, it forces and wisdom. To be mother is not only to give the light and yes, to participate in the life of your generated fruits or servants. Thank you for terms you. 

8º Ano

Mother, Today is Your Day 
Mother, your day is of a lot of happiness. 
Your presence among us is satisfaction. 
Your affection is as the brilliant sun 
That lights up and it heats up our heart. 
Your word friend is everything. 
It is a page open of a lot of knowledge, 
That it indicates us in the long roads, 
The best way of in the world to live. 
Your soft smile is as a flower 
That to the beginning, she reveals us love 
That spill on all your children. 
Your image is as a moonlight night, 
Contemplated gently in the immense sea. 
It is a light ray… it is the grace of God! 
9º Ano

Things of Mother 
If the children are well fed, 
It is her that feels satisfied. 
They are smiling and happy, 
It is her that one catch also smiling. 
They are been of new clothes, 
It is her that feels beautiful. If they are going well at the school, 
It seems that the school use belongs to her. 
They settle new friends, 
It is her that feels popular and wanted. 
They are traveled to new places, 
It is her that tans the walk, same staying home. 
To each goal that you/they reach or trophy that you/they win, 
It is her that tans the victory sensation. 
It starts to like of rock, 
Even if before was not able to nor to hear. 
It passes the glance with sympathy, 
The idols and your children's loves. 
It starts to adore dogs, 
Even if before only liked cats. 
Unnecessary to say that she sits down, 
When some thing gives wrong, because, for table, 
She will feel in triple dose, 
Each tumble, Each loss, Each failure, Each disappointment. 
Everything this is… Things of Mother!

Esses são apenas alguns textos de ideias para trabalhar pronúncia e tradução em sala de aula. Pode-se usar tatmbém em pequenos grupos e depois cada grupo apresenta ao grande grupo em forma de gravuras, traduções e etc...

5 comentários:

  1. Your posts are so interesting! This is the fun way to learn English...

  2. Do you know the Lennon music: "Mother"? It's so sad... [:(]See the link:

  3. Graciane...
    Coloque um texto referente ao Mídias. Creio que vc. já tínha este blog, mas está muito bom.

  4. Graziane, achei teu blog muito interessante. Tomei a liberdade de divulgá-lo aos meus colegas que ensinam inglês: o sugeri via Facebook.
